Friday, July 1, 2011

The journey ahead

It's been ages since I last blogged. For those who actually keep track of this blog...let's continue on this journey.

Once back in Singapore, I was pretty disoriented for awhile. There is always this sense of nostalgia of a desire to relieve those wonderful memories that I have had in my travels. The people I have met, where every moment is to be treasured because I might never see them again. It is a discovery into the human psyche of how we can be so independent yet thrive on relationships. It is as though as we need both elements to be a complete human being. There are those I met along the road and I got their contacts and we kept in touch and then those whom we met and I lost their contacts but we had such a great time together that I can only hope that fate will bring us back together one day. Maybe I'm romanticizing this too much but I think travel is a microcosm of life. It makes you think, teaches you how to move on and equip you with skills.

Well back to the present. So what happened in the months after I got back? I spent time teaching in a JC, experiencing the life of a teacher waking up very early in the morning and eventually sourcing out for a career that expresses who I am as a person. I believe I found it in my current company. It was a time filled with uncertainties as I turned down job after job to believe for that ideal job. Whoever says that life cannot give you the best. Venturing out on entrepreneurial initiatives as well as given opportunities to develop projects I'm very excited for tomorrow.

This period of time have been filled with highs and lows and I want to use this blog as a platform to tell the world out there that LIFE is precious and wonderful. It is a journey where at times you go through pain and at times joys. There are days where you feel like giving up but like a moment during a sunset in Luang Prabang in Laos, outside my hostel I was staying in..where I felt pretty lonely that evening as I knew no one and I was looking at the beautiful sunset in the distance.. I realize that the same sun I was gazing at is seen by people all around the world, even my friends back home and that we might be dislocated from each other spatially yet we are all bonded by a common view of that beautiful sun from different corners of the world.

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