Friday, January 29, 2010

God will keep His promise no matter what!

I just listened to a really very awesome sermon by Tommy Tenney. I listened one time in the late afternoon and it was so revelational and mind blowing that I had to listen again and take down sermon notes!

Have you ever wonder why Jesus had to have a virgin birth? I mean if Jesus was born any other way we would still believe in Him by the miracles and signs that He exhibited. Why was it that He has to be born of a virgin?

You know God's promises to us are yes and amen but there may be a long time between the giving of a promise and the fulfillment of a promise. God gave David a promise in 1 Chronicles 17:11-14...

"When your days are over and you go to be with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, one of your own sons, and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build a house for me, and I will establish his throne forever. I will be his father, and he will be my son. I will never take my love away from him, as I took it away from your predecessor. I will set him over my house and my kingdom forever; his throne will be established forever."

When God says forever..literally He means forever! So here was a promise to David that out of his lineage, there will come a king whose kingdom will be established forever.

But though God may promised something...He is just and He still has to establish His justice. Along the way...David's sons were judged due to their rebellion. Absalom rebelled against David and died and it came to Jehoiakim who had Jeremiah as his "pastor" who was also known as the weeping prophet. He disregarded everything that Jeremiah said. It came to Jehoiachin, the son of Jehoiakim and reached a point when God really had it and was fed up with the disobedience. In Jeremiah 22:30..

This is what the LORD says: "Record this man as if childless, a man who will not prosper in his lifetime, for none of his offspring will prosper, none will sit on the throne of David or rule anymore in Judah."

Notice now that God says NONE! can God go against His own Word? Didn't He said FOREVER previously? How can He reconcile this? This was a problem and it's like a lock that needs a key to open.

If a lock is the problem, a key is the answer. But sometimes in life, we try all kinds of keys to turn the lock. When a door is close and locked, we try to open it. We search high and low and find a key that seems to be the right one and insert it into the lock. But it doesn't turn.. Sometimes we are impatient and try all kinds of keys but the door just doesn't open! You see God doesn't play around with your destiny. You need a miracle and a miracle only comes when there is a problem. But sometimes the waiting gets really really tough...and you are looking around you and thinking..when is my career breakthrough coming, or when am I getting this or that...and the thing is that God will fulfill His promise!

David's royal line was cursed and many years later Joseph was born. Joseph was a descendant of the royal line of David. But he did not have access to the throne to fulfill what was spoken by God. Mary was a direct descendant of David but not through the royal line. She was a descendant of Nathan who was not royalty. So Mary had David's blood rushing through her body. And here in this weirdest circumstance and contradictory situation in the history of mankind that had generated so many debates over the centuries, God began to cut His master key, the Key of David to open this lock of David..the fulfillment of His promise in 1 Chronicles. Mary had to have a virgin birth because the promise, Jesus couldn't have Joseph's blood rushing through His veins!

Jesus was born of a virgin to fulfill what God has spoken. God's justice was established yet His promise was fulfilled. No matter what kinds of situations you are going through may seems like you have waited and waited...maybe for something..for a change.. a call.. a breakthrough..a restoration whatever it is..God will fulfill His promise to you! He will even go so far as to suspend the laws of nature to fulfill that promise that you are waiting for. Nothing is beyond the reach of God to keep His promise! He will walk on water to get to His disciples who are caught in a storm and He will ensure that the messiah is born through David's line. What else will He not do for you?

I was very touched and even teared after listening to this sermon. It shows that God is really faithful and His love for you transcends what you can think or imagine. If you want to listen to the entire sermon you can listen to it here...

Remember that God loves you and will never forsake you. He will keep His promise no matter what!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bruce Lee and God

I was thinking about Jeet Kune Do and its philosophy awhile ago. Jeet Kune Do was a fighting philosophy constructed by Bruce Lee and essentially it means "Way of the intercepting fist." Haha..I used to be a crazy Bruce Lee fan and really I think some of the things that he mentioned and taught are also quite applicable to our life and in fact after thinking about it I kind of draw certain parallels from Jeet Kune Do's philiosphy to our relationship with God.

Every relationship is unique and we cannot in a way try to model one relationship after another relationship. I think it just doesn't work that way because every individual is different. And when you put 2 individuals together you are mixing 2 sets of quirkiness, peculiarities and eccentricities together. Similarly in our relationship with God we cannot expect to behave, serve, act in exactly the same way as another christian. I believe that God is a personal God. But sometimes...we allow institutions, culture and people to dictate to us what God is like.

I believe that God relates differently to every individual. For example, God speaks to us differently in such a way that only we can understand. Some of us feel God the strongest in a nature setting, some of us can experience God very strongly in a fellowship, some of us sees God in Science..some in Arts. I think for me I feel God the strongest when I'm in nature. There's no presence stronger to me than when I'm surrounded by trees..or looking out into the sea and seeing the wonders of nature. That's why I make it a point to go to the beach once in awhile just to experience the majesty of God.

In the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do to bring it down basically it is the way of no way. Heh...very "sage" right? But what Bruce Lee was trying to do was that he knew that every individual is different so he wanted to create a fighting concept to accommodate every individual's strength and weakness. In a way it is more of a concept than a system. Some people are grappling will work for them..some have longer limbs so maybe punching or kicking is better. Some are weaker, so maybe fighting forms like Aikido and Wing Chun can be incorporated. What Jeet Kune Do is about is basically choosing techniques from any fighting system in the world that works best for you. It is like finding the clothes and accessories that fit and suit you the best..taking into account your height, skin colour and personality. So in a way Jeet Kune Do amplifies your strengths and find ways to minimize your weaknesses. why am I talking about Jeet Kune Do? Ain't God like that in relating to us? God knows we are all different. Some of us are introverts, some extroverts. Some sporty, some intellectuals and some just so full of faith. God knows that He doesn't have a fixed way to relate to us. He knows that for us to know He is there, He has to do things differently. He knows some of us doubt more so He has to create certain circumstances and situations in our lives so that we can believe and trust Him more. My point is that God doesn't expect us to conform to a certain culture or way of behaving. But that doesn't mean there's no principles to follow. In Jeet Kune Do...there are certain principles to adhere to such as taking the shortest distance in attacking. Similarly there are principles in the bible we adhere to..such as the ten commandments and having the right attitudes. Essentially, God doesn't expect and need us to relate to Him in a certain set way.

I was reading Obama's biography. He mentioned the dilemma he faced as a senator in dealing with the issue of abortion. He is a Christian and baptized. In dealing with conseravtives and the public he expressed in his book that he understood the moral implications of abortions but he cannot put a ban to it. He believed that few women made the decision to terminate unborn babies casually but he feared that a ban on abortion will force women to seek unsafe abortions. In a situation like that..I think God will not condemn or judge by saying that his lack of aggression and concreteness in a decision is a sin. Where you are, what you are doing, the family background you come from...the position you hold..the experiences you have been through are all taken into account when God relates to you.

I believe that Jesus is very personal. I believe that in our relationship with God, there is room for flexibility and personalization. So be yourself! Your individuality is what makes you so special.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Debt

A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper, and he handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his Mom dried her hands on an apron, she read it, and this is what it said: 

For cutting the grass: $5.00

For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00

For going to the store for you: $0.50

For baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping: $0.25

For taking out the garbage: $1.00

For getting a good report card: $5.00

For cleaning up and raking the yard: $2.00

Total owed: $14.75

Well, his mother looked at him standing there, and the boy could see the memories flashing through her mind. She picked up the pen, turned over the paper he'd written on, and this is what she wrote: 

For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me: No Charge

For all the nights that I've sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you: No Charge

For all the trying times, and all the tears that you've caused through the years: No Charge

For all the nights that were filled with dread, and for the worries I knew were ahead: No Charge

For the toys, food, clothes, and even wiping your nose: No Charge

Son, when you add it up, the cost of my love is: No Charge

When the boy finished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight at his mother and said, "Mom, I sure do love you." And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote: "PAID IN FULL"


I've just been thinking about this concept of sacrifice.. A few questions are running through my we have to sacrifice something before we are accepted by God? Does God only love us when we sacrifice?

The bible says that love does not is not self doesn't it put God in a bad light if we see God as someone whom we must sacrifice to to gain His love and acceptance?

A very popular story is the one in Genesis 22 when Abraham was tested. Abraham was commanded by God to take his son Issac to Mount Moriah to sacrifice as a burnt offering. Most of us when we read this story we applaud Abraham of his sacrificial love for God that he's willing to even part with his only precious son. But is this all that God is trying to tell us in this story? If we read further into the story...God stopped Abraham from killing Issac and provided a ram for him to sacrifice as a burnt offering instead.

From this reading of the bible I believe that the lesson that God is trying to teach Abraham was that it is not about his sacrifice that matters to God, but rather his obedience to the word of God that matters to Him. God provided the ram and I believe that the ram is quite symbolic of God's grace. In a sense we can say that the ram represents Jesus Christ whom God sacrificed instead. You see...I believe that God was making a point to Abraham that it is not by his sacrifice that he can gain favor but rather it is his obedience to God's word. The whole message of the gospel is that we are saved through grace into a life of grace. And grace after all is unmerited favor. And maybe even this incident is prophetic of what God will be doing many many years later when He sacrificed Jesus. God intervened in the last possible moment and stopped Abraham before he could kill Issac. It wasn't the sacrifice that matters to God it was more of Abraham's heart.

The creator of the whole universe doesn't need our money. He doesn't need our burnt offerings. He wants our love. When you are in love, it is not about what your other half can do for you. You are not asking that person to sacrifice but you want that person's heart. To you..what matters most is that the person is happy. Do you think that God will want Isaac's life? Do you think that God will want Abraham to be miserable? God just wanted to know where He stands in Abraham's heart. That's why in Genesis 22:1..It says God tested Abraham. He doesn't want his sacrifice..He just wants to know his heart. And He proved to Abraham even more how much He loves him when He manifested His grace by providing the ram.

In 1 Samuel says that to obey is better than sacrifice. Someone told me today that sacrifice doesn't mean obedience. You can sacrifice a lot but that doesn't mean it is right and it may not be from God also. Sometimes as Christians we think that we need to sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice even more. And we shouldn't even be tired of sacrificing. But how is that possible? Theoretically it is delusional, biologically I think it is definitely impossible and psychologically I think you are stressing yourself. After awhile if we are not careful.. we think that all God does is to demand from us. But is that what God is like? I believe Jesus didn't say come to me you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you more burden. The God we serve is full of grace. I believe that Jesus is the grace of God personified.

If anyone of you is going through any tough situation right now, I believe that Jesus understands exactly how you feel. He is not asking you to sacrifice more but to trust rely on Him..because His grace is truly sufficient for you. It is only when you cannot, He can. Grace is when you can't do it any don't understand anymore...Jesus comes and take over and start restoring and reconciling. He takes every setback and set it up for your comeback. He comes and fills you with His love, His presence and reassure you that everything is really going to be alright.

Jesus loves you just the way you are. You don't need to prove to Him anything to win His love. Even if you can't and come to a point when you are so weary and don't do anything..Jesus still loves you. You don't need to qualify to be in His love. To are the reason the world exists.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


This morning I woke up having to go to the toilet at multiple intervals again...yea again. Think I'm a bit lactose intolerant. But cannot be...since I didn't really drink milk yesterday...only soy milk. Think my body is acting weird.. But it's getting better compared to last time. Last time when I drank 2 glasses of milk I had to hit the loo hard the next day.

I did some research on lactose intolerance and this is what I found. Basically people with lactose intolerance cannot properly digest lactose due to problems with the lactase enzyme.The problem is not normally due to lactase deficiency, but rather it is caused by reduced lactase activity. Since lactase cannot split the lactose molecule, it cannot be absorbed and therefore remains in the small intestine.

This increases the amount of solutes in the small intestines which causes water to be pulled into the small intestine to dilute the concentration of the solutes. This causes adominal pain, bloating or diahorrhea. The high concentration of lactose in the small intestine also causes the bacteria present in the small intestine to ferment the lactose with produces carbon dioxide..which causes flatulence (FARTING)

There are basically a few ways to fix the problem. One way is to take lactase enzyme supplements with meals containing dairy. You can get these enzymes at supplement stores. A more long term solution is to try to make the lactase enzymes in your body more active. Lactase is an inducible enzyme so if it is not used for a period of time, its activity become reduced. So people who don't drink milk for some time will experience bloating and diarrhea after drinking again. So we can build up the enzyme activity by gradually drinking more milk over a period of time. After a while the lactase activity in the body will gradually increase.

I think this is what happened to me. I'm not that "lactose intolerant" anymore. But this method doesn't work for everyone also. So if drinking milk makes you "LS" all the time..maybe you can replace with soy milk? Or try milk with low lactose level. Hi-Low milk is one of the "low lactose" milk. But that only applies to the original flavor..not the strawberry and chocolate ones. I had a mighty time in the toilet that time when I didn't know.

Hmmm..but that still doesn't explain what happened to me today. But anyway there you go...if possible I still prefer milk over soy milk any time.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cultural fallacy

Culture is often known as the set of values, beliefs and rituals that a certain group of people within a society abide to and practise. In a sense, culture is functionalistic in that it binds the people within a society together and promote social solidarity which is basically a sense of belonging. In other words...culture promotes synergy and supposedly helps to minimize anomie which is the strain that individuals feel when there is an inability to fulfill certain societal goals due to the lack of means available. Essentially, culture when seen in this perspective promotes social order in that it serves to create norms and certain sets of behavior that is acceptable to society.

Let's just step back a bit now....and see. Well basically who creates the culture in any given society? It is usually the dominant group...the governing authority..the upper strata..officialdom..the institutions.. They police the norms, the values and create certain forms of acceptable behavior. And basically everyone within a given social group, a given society looks at the world through these norms. In a sense everyone of us whether you like it or not is looking through this veil..this glass.

The thing is this..functionally speaking having a given culture is good. But when it is brought to the extreme to the point that it becomes ethnocentric and take the form of a bias actor I think that's when the process of acculturation of dubious perspectives within the members of that social group or society occur.

In every society there are cultural goals..and the culture within a given social group may be such that according to Robert K.Merton, an American sociologist, it will lead individuals to center their emotional convictions upon the complex of culturally acclaimed ends with far less emotional support for prescribed methods of reaching out for these ends. With such differential emphases upon goals and institutional procedures, the latter may be so vitiated by the stress on goals as to have the behavior of many individuals limited only by the consideration of technical expediency. In other words..individuals are socialized into accomplishing goals in the most technically efficient and effective way. As this process of fervent strive for success continues..deregulation within a social group occurs which leads to "anomie".

Basically anomie as mentioned before is a state when there is an insatiable desire to achieve a given cultural goal. Anomie according to Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist was even considered as a pathological state of sin. It is this state where the insatiable desire to achieve a given goal due to perhaps unavailable means...lead to strain and stress. According to Robert Merton..there are 5 types of individual adaptation in a culture when anomie occurs.

1. Conformity..essentially working harder within the prescribed means to achieve the cultural goals. It is the most commonly subscribed conviction. The continuity of a society, a social group, the prevention of an internal split would otherwise not be possible.

2. Innovation...This is basically manipulation. This is usually practised by people from the lower starta due to the inability to achieve the cultural goals using prescribed means.

3. Ritualism...This can be readily identified as the rejection or scaling down of the cultural goals to stay where you are as the goals seem to be almost unachievable. It's liken to you asking them.."Why don't you want to do more?" And all you get may be perhaps a muted response. It is a subscription to the fact that they will never be able to be in any leadership position due to the seemingly exclusive nature of the cultural goals.

4. Retreatism..These people have relinquished culturally prescribed goals and their behavior does not accord with institutional norms. The continual pressure on the group members to perform may cause them to detach themselves from the social group or society.

5. Rebellion... Basically these are the people that seek to bring in a new social structure. In other words this adaptation sees the victims of suppression replacing the machine. Essentially like a revolution.

My point is this...the existential nature of culture brings with it many forms of advantages..but when a certain form of culture with its norms and goals becomes dogma, it suppresses individual freedom. The emphasis on its merits without an objective form of self-reflexivity amplifies any form of detraction as devianization. This fear of devianization, of being labeled as someone that is not loyal to the vision of the cultural goals further stifle the emotive development of this social organism through the suppression of free expression. The very fear of devianization within the social organism may actually amplifies the development of anomie with its accompanying responses.

I think an interesting question to think about is this...which individual adaptation will you choose when you realize if ever you are in a suppressive culture?

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Clarity...something that occurs when you remove all the debris and things blocking your view. Life gets choked full of dirt and debris at times. Some call it the issues of life and if we are not diligent in removing them..after a while our view and perspectives of situations are tainted.

I noticed something interesting that happens in our body. Many of us have woken up in the morning with this yellowish gooey stuff coming out from our eyes. Usually when you just woke you rub your eyes you will notice this "eye wax" or "crusties" as it is known to some people. You see around our eye there is an organ also known as the plica semilunaris. This is the “crusty” or "eye wax" factory. It secretes a sticky mass that collects any foreign materials such as dust, pollen or debris. All this trash is surrounded by the sticky goo so that it does not scratch the sensitive cornea in your eye. Once the garbage is collected, the plica semilunaris “escorts” it out of the eye.

I'm a contact lens wearer and usually after wearing contacts for long hours, your vision gets blurred. My eyes start to feel itchy and uncomfortable. Usually when that happens, the next morning when I wake up, there is a substantial amount of "eye wax". I realize that the accumulation of the "eye wax" is most obvious after a good night 's rest.

Likewise in life..sometimes we go around collecting thrash..maybe in the form of disappointments, emotional hurts, bitterness and stress. After a while our vision gets distorted. We no longer see clearly. We start to see every situation through these "tharsh". That's why we start feeling insecure and defensive at times. We make poor judgment calls and become very confused. What happens biologically in our body I feel is very relevant also to our lives. Like the eye that collects all the debris, sometimes we need a good rest to allow the plica semilunaris to work effectively. Rather than continuing to do all the same things..going through the same routines, we need rest to re-examine ourselves. We need to set time aside for our plica semilunaris to work. This plica semilunaris is liken to our communication with God that sets the thrash apart. It is liken to our evaluation of our own lives to realize the distractions. This time set apart protects you from deeper hurts or more mistakes.

Clarity comes to our biological vision when the thrash is escorted out via the "eye wax". I have instances when my vision gets very blurred throughout the day because of all the accumulation of protein in the contact lens as well as the debris that collects around my eye area. Likewise we need to slow things down sometimes to get rid of all the distractions that is blocking our perspectives. So don't feel guilty if you need to slow down sometimes. To all the workaholics out there sometimes that is the hardest thing to do. And even for myself I feel uneasy when I'm not doing much.

The truth is will go further and have less detours if you are willing to remove all the thrash that is blocking your view.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Been sleeping early and waking up quite early recently..having 8 hours of sleep everyday. Definitely feel more rested this way. Hung out with the Californians yesterday. Went to this Ghandi restaurant at Little India for dinner. The food is really good and cheap. $6 for a set meal and it feels like real authentic Indian food with all the banana leaves and stuff. Was really worth it. Funny how expats or foreigners seem to know all the nice eating places in Singapore more than Singaporeans sometimes. Going to head to this fish head curry place at Eunos some time soon.

It's Friday already..gotta settle a few things. Believe that it's going to be a good and awesome day!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Less is really more

First day of school today. Got to settle a lot of things..the whole day was spent rushing from place to place trying to get all my modules settled. Blogging now as I came back from the gym a few hours ago..just thinking about a few things. You know for the past few days I've been thinking about this thing..... that "less is more".

Less is really more. Got the thought when I was training in the gym some time ago. And every time when I hit the gym..this thing kept impressing upon me. You know in the world of training and sports..especially bodybuilding..muscular hypertrophy which is muscle growth, occurs when you are resting. I don't want to go into scientific terms here but basically your muscles develop after your workout. What happens when you are training is that you are stimulating the muscles so that those current muscle fibers are torn and damaged and they rebuilt themselves to become stronger and bigger after the workout so that they can withstand the pressure and stress next time they are activated again.

That's why, contrary to popular belief, your muscles don't grow bigger when you are training. They are just stimulated. This experience is also known as "the pump". The thing is that if you keep training and don't allow enough time for them to rest and repair..they will not be able to become stronger. After every training..when your muscles need time to rest and grow..instead of giving them that space you activate them again. After awhile.. I think you may feel sluggish and unmotivated to train because you are over pushing yourself. Also psychologically, if this goes on you no longer find the joy to exercise.

My point is that sometimes when you do less..especially in the sport of bodybuilding..the results are more visible and lasting. I want to clarify...less is more when it's focused, intensive and of quality. And why I'm thinking about this is that in life sometimes more doesn't mean better results. We need space to grow sometimes. Your muscles need room and space to grow, so does your personal life. Like what someone mentioned; sometimes we keep ourselves so busy that we don't have time to reflect. I think there is a tendency for us to lose ourselves in our work..our relationships with one another that we become very associational. We start to associate ourselves with the things we do rather than think objectively in situations. I think sometimes we need space to disengage ourselves from what we are doing and how we've been living and have time to ourselves to evaluate where your life is heading.

So doing a lot in life doesn't mean that the results will be favorable. I believe what is important is to have the right direction so everything you are doing can be crisp and focused. Basically I feel that we should learn to appreciate the value of rest and time to ourselves to grow as a person. It's getting late..yawn..think I should stop blogging. Time to rest.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Brotherhood of the smokers

I noticed a very fascinating phenomenon last week when I was with my friends just before New Year. The whole phenomenon slipped my mind until today. You know the interesting thing is that there is a brotherhood of smokers all around us in society at large and if you pay enough attention to them and come in from an anthropological perspective you will notice that it is really quite amusing.

Disclaimer: I've got nothing against smokers. I think they are doing a good job contributing towards the economy.

My friends and I were walking across the road from Chijmes and suddenly I noticed one of our friends' absence. I looked behind me and noticed that he was talking to someone I didn't know. The familiarity and mutual affective gestures caused me to believe that they are friends. Then I saw the stranger passed a lighter to my friend and with the prized skill of someone familiar with the action countless times, he lighted his cigarette. Bading the stranger goodbye, my friend strolled towards us. "That your friend?" I asked. "No lah....I just needed a light.." was his nonchalant reply. I was a bit stumped...but let it rest. A few hours later when we were at Bugis..I witnessed the same phenomenon again. This time around, the stranger lighted the cigarette in my friend's mouth for him. The normalization of these incidents by my friend gave me pause. I realized that when I think about it...these incidents were happening all the time.

You know Singaporeans are not very friendly sometimes...and the reason being that we are being cramped into a small space of a city. The continuous stimulation of our minds and emotions have resulted in us being blase which is the state where you are nonchalant towards other people. The value of space...both physical and psychological has gone up substantially. It has become an important element in the individualization process. As such..Singaporeans are quite hostile..not that they are bad people but they are not so open to strangers. Usually when you approach someone on the streets...the look on their faces seem to be one of that someone or something disgusting has died within their perimeters. So often you have to convince them that you are not a salesman or a weirdo but you are just looking for directions.

So this community of friendly smokers came as a pleasant surprise. Smokers in a way are still devianized to some extent. The no-smoking signs that are around us is a statement to this community to be sensitive to those around them that don't smoke. You can't smoke in certain areas of Starbucks, trains, air-conditioned areas for example. There is therefore an institutionalization against such devianization. Sub-conciously, the institutionalization created a response in this devianized culture in the form of an affective bond. It is liken to how marginalized communities will come together to rally against unfair treatments. In this case..the smokers participate in a form of collective action in the form of un-Singaporean behavior such as friendliness.

So next time when you see smokers...learn to appreciate that they are helping us cultivate a gracious society rather than staring at them in a hostile manner and coughing on purpose to indicate your displeasure.

Disclaimer: This post is in no way to promote smoking.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A fellowship of messianic proportion

Getting used to this blogging culture. Heh...guess 2010 is about new things. Had a good fellowship with Zhanwei, Vincent and Willie yesterday night. Met up at ION Orchard Hong Kong cafe for dinner and went to Kee Liang's dad's workplace at Orchard Towers thereafter. The pub that we went to was interesting as it was a part of Singapore that we have never been to before. After that we headed to Hard Rock cafe and left soon after because the music was too loud. Man...the music was really good. But majority won over...

Eventually we went to the Starbucks beside Black Angus to chill for an hour and Vincent suddenly suggested that we go to Bedok 85 for supper. So there we were, with the best cgl of the whole church in the driver's seat and the best cgl of the whole CK/DEV zone in front going to Bedok at midnight. Quite a privilege to be in the company of spiritual giants don't you think?

Spiritual giants are not just giants inside that can contain a lot of souls but also food. Hehe....


Look at the spread sitting before us! Someone was devouring bah chor mee, satay, chicken wings and porridge... Sinful!!!

That was why we needed spiritual topics to balance out the sinfulness we felt in our hearts. Then went on an hour or so of theological debates about the existence of God...about end-times.. while we feasted on the spread before us. It reached a point when we couldn't perceive the phenomenon of creation. We decided to end our heated discussion at around 1.30am..feeling that we have repented enough after engaging in such sinful acts to our body at this time of the night.

Then we experienced first hand...the "I will drive you back home" phenomenon from the best cgl in the whole church! I tell you, it was a spiritually moving, heart touching act of gesture that only a privilege few in the whole world can experience. First we went to Tampines to drop off Zhanwei, then next was Keeliang...Willie.. At every destination...the tears of gratitude summed up the whole emotive experience that it was truly a phenomenon to behold. It was likened to the disciples seeing the resurrected messiah and experiencing the love of the Savior. The universe stood still and froze in bated breath at this act of love. When it remained me and this spiritual giant, there went on a fellowship that added the finishing touch to this gesture of friendship. When it was time to depart...the immense sorrow was obvious as it brought an end to this enjoyable and revelational night. I stood in Sembawang Drive watching the black Toyota disappearing into the night. A trace of sadness lingered in the night air as I made my way back home.

So there you go...we need to have more of such fellowship this year. Believe that friends are very important and we need each other to grow together and rely on when we go through tough times.

The next planned trip will be to Hard Rock Cafe on Monday to watch Kumar Live! Any takers? :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


"Lord you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." Psalms 16:5-6

Sometimes in life we should stop asking why certain things happen but that in everything God is in control. At times you may be very frustrated but it is the portion that you have been assigned. And when God assigns, He equips you to overcome. Everything is going to be alright.

"He brings me to a rock that is higher than I."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I've been thinking about the phenomenon of hope. It's an interesting phenomenon when you really think about it. Why do people hope? We hope because we can build that hope on something right? Hope has to be based on facts. It is based on events and situations that allow you to have a basis to believe that things will turn out to be alright. But what if a situation seems un-salvageable...will you still hope? I was thinking about this issue because a few days ago I watched a documentary, a Barbara Walters interview with Patrick Swayze.

Patrick Swayze claim to fame was through the movies Ghost with Demi Moore and Dirty Dancing. At age 56 he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in late January 2008. He passed away last year in September 2009 at age 57. His struggle with cancer went on for nearly 2 years. The diagnosis indicated that the type of cancer was incurable. What they can do was to slow down the spread of the cancer through chemotherapy. What will be the most adequate response in a situation like that? Does it makes sense to hope or just survive from day to day trying to stay alive? Patrick made a decision to live and he said that in the interview with Barbara Walters. In the midst of his cancer, he went on to film 12 episodes of a new TV series called "The Beast". He had to wake up at 3am every morning to get his bowel movement regulated before leaving the house at 6 in the morning to go to the set.

When I saw the interview I was asking myself..why hope when there seems no reason to hope? You know you are going to die and finding a cure in the next few years seems like an impossible thing. Why still the will to live and hope that things will get better? Sometimes we see on documentaries people who are going to pass away. Some fight to live and some resign to the inevitable fate. But at the end of the day..the desire to stay live..roars and echo in the core of our being. That is the way that God has made us. God has programmed hope into our very soul. To hope for the best outcome even though hope seems frail. How do people like Patrick Swayze live their lives from day to day. What are the thoughts that run through their mind every passing moment?

I think when you are in a situation when there seem to be little or no hope the only way to live is to be able to see the end as something new. We must be able to see past the end into a new chapter of our lives. For Christians who have a terminal illness I think there are 3 things that they can build their hope is the fact that there will be a discovery of a cure, the second that God will miraculously intervene and heal them and third is that eternal life starts when physical life ends. And the key I believe to be able to live like that without panic, without intense chronic worry is to not cling on to what will ultimately pass away but cling on to God's plan and promises for your life. The bible says in Jeremiah that God knows His plans for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us and plans to give us hope and a future. The only way to hope and be happy is to believe in the plans that God has for you. The circumstances may be bleak and there seems to be no solution to the situation that you are going through but you need to look past the end to accept what God has prepared for you and I believe that is the only way to live.

Sometimes in life, we hold very dear to ourselves certain money, possessions, health, relationships and we think that if we come to the end of any of these that is the end of life. But I believe that God wants us to look past what we are desiring to have to the promises, His will and calling for our lives.

To whoever is reading this blog I just want to encourage you that if you have come to a point when it seems to be the end or if there is very little to hope for...rather than clinging on to what is precious to you cling on to the plans that God can have for you of what can happen after this perceived end. Continue to hope but hope in a way that you can have faith that God always have better things in life for you. But God may surprise you..the end may not be the end for some of us. There are second chances for some of us. So always hope but be able to let go if things don't work out. Hope this will encourage those of you who are going through a tough season of your life :)

Monday, January 4, 2010


This is the first post that I'm blogging. Set up my blog 2 years ago..heh and I think this is a good time to start using this blog. 2009 has been an eventful many things that have happened...success..mistakes.. At the end of the day I think it's good to be thankful to God for all the little things that He has blessed us. The bible says to be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. I think it's true that no matter what kinds of situations you are going through, what kinds of mistakes you have made...we should always learn to thank God that He is still faithful and still present in the midst of our situations. No matter how troubled we are...we can still put our faith in God.

Lately I've been asking myself what is love really. Sometimes I think all of us have a misrepresentation of this issue. We think that to love love God..involves doing a lot for that person. For many of us I That's why so many people burn out in ministry after serving for many years..hoping that whatever we are doing will reap a harvest. But what if everything that you are doing at the end of the day doesn't yield anything? Will you stop loving God? Will you stop loving?

The bible says in 1 Corinthians that love is not self seeking (NIV)....that means that love does not demand anything in return...and love at the end of the day I feel is not about how much you do but about the well being of the is about loving God, loving a person for who that person is.

The bible talks about love in different ways and I find an underlying theme.
1 Cor 15:13..Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
John 3:16...For God so love the world that He gave his only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

In these 2 verses...we see that love is about giving..not just about doing.'s about doing..but not so much. Confused? Don't be. There is a juxtaposition of work and no work. In both of these verses the bible says that we give what matters to us away when we love.. Sometimes when we think we love, we are actually doing something in the hope that we can get something in return. But God is teaching us that to love involves letting go.

What else can you still give away other than your life? Hey I'm not telling you to commit suicide or something....but what is life really? I think to bring it down to a more relevant understanding is that life involves your needs, your desires..your interests. So in loving, what God is trying to say is that we should love in a way that we don't ask for anything in return. Loving is about giving. Work has a connotation that it demands something in return but love does not demand. Sometimes we "love"/"work" because we are insecure and our actions are just ways to cover that insecurity. But it is not true to the other extreme that love doesn't involve work at all. Because when we love someone we serve that person..and we need to find a balance in doing things for that person and just loving that person. Being in that state of love, loving that person is far more important in trying to prove something. In conclusion I think love is about giving something that matters a lot to you so that it can benefit the other person even if it is at your own expense.

I'd like to leave you with this question..

Will you still love if you will not benefit from it at the end of the day?