First day of school today. Got to settle a lot of things..the whole day was spent rushing from place to place trying to get all my modules settled. Blogging now as I came back from the gym a few hours ago..just thinking about a few things. You know for the past few days I've been thinking about this thing..... that "less is more".
Less is really more. Got the thought when I was training in the gym some time ago. And every time when I hit the gym..this thing kept impressing upon me. You know in the world of training and sports..especially bodybuilding..muscular hypertrophy which is muscle growth, occurs when you are resting. I don't want to go into scientific terms here but basically your muscles develop after your workout. What happens when you are training is that you are stimulating the muscles so that those current muscle fibers are torn and damaged and they rebuilt themselves to become stronger and bigger after the workout so that they can withstand the pressure and stress next time they are activated again.
That's why, contrary to popular belief, your muscles don't grow bigger when you are training. They are just stimulated. This experience is also known as "the pump". The thing is that if you keep training and don't allow enough time for them to rest and repair..they will not be able to become stronger. After every training..when your muscles need time to rest and grow..instead of giving them that space you activate them again. After awhile.. I think you may feel sluggish and unmotivated to train because you are over pushing yourself. Also psychologically, if this goes on you no longer find the joy to exercise.
My point is that sometimes when you do less..especially in the sport of bodybuilding..the results are more visible and lasting. I want to clarify...less is more when it's focused, intensive and of quality. And why I'm thinking about this is that in life sometimes more doesn't mean better results. We need space to grow sometimes. Your muscles need room and space to grow, so does your personal life. Like what someone mentioned; sometimes we keep ourselves so busy that we don't have time to reflect. I think there is a tendency for us to lose ourselves in our work..our relationships with one another that we become very associational. We start to associate ourselves with the things we do rather than think objectively in situations. I think sometimes we need space to disengage ourselves from what we are doing and how we've been living and have time to ourselves to evaluate where your life is heading.
So doing a lot in life doesn't mean that the results will be favorable. I believe what is important is to have the right direction so everything you are doing can be crisp and focused. Basically I feel that we should learn to appreciate the value of rest and time to ourselves to grow as a person. It's getting late..yawn..think I should stop blogging. Time to rest.
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