I've just been thinking about this concept of sacrifice.. A few questions are running through my head...do we have to sacrifice something before we are accepted by God? Does God only love us when we sacrifice?
The bible says that love does not demand..love is not self seeking..so doesn't it put God in a bad light if we see God as someone whom we must sacrifice to to gain His love and acceptance?
A very popular story is the one in Genesis 22 when Abraham was tested. Abraham was commanded by God to take his son Issac to Mount Moriah to sacrifice as a burnt offering. Most of us when we read this story we applaud Abraham of his sacrificial love for God that he's willing to even part with his only precious son. But is this all that God is trying to tell us in this story? If we read further into the story...God stopped Abraham from killing Issac and provided a ram for him to sacrifice as a burnt offering instead.
From this reading of the bible I believe that the lesson that God is trying to teach Abraham was that it is not about his sacrifice that matters to God, but rather his obedience to the word of God that matters to Him. God provided the ram and I believe that the ram is quite symbolic of God's grace. In a sense we can say that the ram represents Jesus Christ whom God sacrificed instead. You see...I believe that God was making a point to Abraham that it is not by his sacrifice that he can gain favor but rather it is his obedience to God's word. The whole message of the gospel is that we are saved through grace into a life of grace. And grace after all is unmerited favor. And maybe even this incident is prophetic of what God will be doing many many years later when He sacrificed Jesus. God intervened in the last possible moment and stopped Abraham before he could kill Issac. It wasn't the sacrifice that matters to God it was more of Abraham's heart.
The creator of the whole universe doesn't need our money. He doesn't need our burnt offerings. He wants our love. When you are in love, it is not about what your other half can do for you. You are not asking that person to sacrifice but you want that person's heart. To you..what matters most is that the person is happy. Do you think that God will want Isaac's life? Do you think that God will want Abraham to be miserable? God just wanted to know where He stands in Abraham's heart. That's why in Genesis 22:1..It says God tested Abraham. He doesn't want his sacrifice..He just wants to know his heart. And He proved to Abraham even more how much He loves him when He manifested His grace by providing the ram.
In 1 Samuel 15:22..it says that to obey is better than sacrifice. Someone told me today that sacrifice doesn't mean obedience. You can sacrifice a lot but that doesn't mean it is right and it may not be from God also. Sometimes as Christians we think that we need to sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice even more. And we shouldn't even be tired of sacrificing. But how is that possible? Theoretically it is delusional, biologically I think it is definitely impossible and psychologically I think you are stressing yourself. After awhile if we are not careful.. we think that all God does is to demand from us. But is that what God is like? I believe Jesus didn't say come to me you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you more burden. The God we serve is full of grace. I believe that Jesus is the grace of God personified.
In 1 Samuel 15:22..it says that to obey is better than sacrifice. Someone told me today that sacrifice doesn't mean obedience. You can sacrifice a lot but that doesn't mean it is right and it may not be from God also. Sometimes as Christians we think that we need to sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice even more. And we shouldn't even be tired of sacrificing. But how is that possible? Theoretically it is delusional, biologically I think it is definitely impossible and psychologically I think you are stressing yourself. After awhile if we are not careful.. we think that all God does is to demand from us. But is that what God is like? I believe Jesus didn't say come to me you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you more burden. The God we serve is full of grace. I believe that Jesus is the grace of God personified.
If anyone of you is going through any tough situation right now, I believe that Jesus understands exactly how you feel. He is not asking you to sacrifice more but to trust Him..to rely on Him..because His grace is truly sufficient for you. It is only when you cannot, He can. Grace is when you can't do it any more..you don't understand anymore...Jesus comes and take over and start restoring and reconciling. He takes every setback and set it up for your comeback. He comes and fills you with His love, His presence and reassure you that everything is really going to be alright.
Jesus loves you just the way you are. You don't need to prove to Him anything to win His love. Even if you can't and come to a point when you are so weary and don't do anything..Jesus still loves you. You don't need to qualify to be in His love. To Him..you are the reason the world exists.
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